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2025 Assessments

BookMinders has a long and proud tradition in HSIE. We started providing just Business Studies exams in 2007 - and have now expanded into different subjects and indeed, different faculties!


One thing remains the same though - our desire to produce useful assessments that save teachers hours.


We offer the complete package for both the Preliminary and HSC syllabus delivered within 24 hours of order via email.


Every assessment you will need for the whole year (includes HSC Trial and Preliminary Yearly). The assessments are ready to go.


Full teacher and marking guides are also provided.


You can also purchase the exams separately.


















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"I really like your exams and find that you have the finger on the pulse unlike other independent publishers."


"I will be using the Bookminders Geography HSC Trial for my class this year, as I found the variety of questions better than other papers available."


"Your papers are awesome"


"Thank you for the exam papers for HSC Geography and I am very pleased with the quality of the stimulus."

"Thank you for the excellent resource."

"We have found the BS package most helpful and will be looking to purchase again …."


"All involved in teaching legal have had a look at the content and believe it will be very useful - both in Years 11 and 12.I hope to be in a position to order more titles next year."


"This is a huge help for our preparation"

I used the Prelim resources - assignments and exams. Very helpful as templates for establishing ideas that encompass each of the outcomes. Very helpful to see where each of the assessments cover the outcomes."

"Thanks so much! I use your tasks to springboard my own ideas."



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