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Preparing to Serve

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About Us

BookMinders Australia specialises in the production and distribution of NSW HSC assessments.

Our assessments are written by qualified, experienced NSW teachers. They are put through a rigorous validation regime prior to release, so you can be sure that you are getting an up to date and useful assessment tool. All assessments are BRAND NEW and come with comprehensive marking guides that are fully mapped to the syllabus.

In all our assessments, there is a space for your schools logo and you only pay one flat fee (not per copy!). Nice and simple.

Our writers are all high achieving teachers currently teaching in their subject areas in NSW. Across the board, our writers have been involved in -

  • HSC Marking

  • HSC Advice Line

  • Board of Studies Curriculum Reviews and

  • Professional Teacher Organisations


Some schools use the resource in totality. Some make modifications at the local level. It's up to you!

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